IRS e-file your already-prepared return

For one low fee of just $49.95 you can have your already-prepared Federal tax return,
regardless of complexity, and accompanying State return professionally reviewed and e-filed. Refunds last
year averaged 7 to 14 days, with simpler returns arriving even faster.
Tax returns must be signed and have all the required attachments (W2s, 1099s if tax withheld, etc)
as if the return were being mailed to IRS and/or the State. In addition, an
e-file Authorization FormPrecautionary Advice:
We do not recommend you complete this form online while it is being displayed over an unsecured internet connection.
First save or download the form to your PC before entering your personal information.
signed by the taxpayer, must accompany the return.
We receive tax returns via mail, personal delivery, fax, and
secured internet upload/download - we discourage the transfer of unencrypted tax
documents via email.
Click the button below to view or download our e-file Authorization
Form and see how easy and inexpensive it is to let a tax
professional help you get your taxes filed today!
Frequently Asked Questions

First save or download the form to your PC before entering your personal information. NEW! Secure FormCloud Version
Tax e-form Professional Tax Preparation

Professional tax preparation cannot get any simpler than our two-tier flat-fee pricing: $249 for returns with dependents, $199 for returns with no dependents!
Tax e-form®Precautionary Advice:
We do not recommend you complete this form online while it is being displayed over an unsecured internet connection.
First save or download the form to your PC before entering your personal information.
is an answer sheet that resembles a tax interview. Just fill in the blanks and fax (or upload) it to us with your W-2s and other required income statements. We’ll professionally prepare your Federal and State tax forms and up to six of the most popular schedules! Your completed tax forms will be securely e-mailed to you for review, then you can authorize us to file your forms electronically. All for one flat fee of just $249 (or $199 if no dependents)
If we have any questions or need more information, we'll call, email, or
text you. That's the advantage of using Tax e-form® --
there's a real person responsible for preparing and filing your taxes!
Click the button below to view or download our Tax e-form®
and see how easy, convenient, and inexpensive it is to let a tax
professional prepare and file your taxes for you!
Frequently Asked Questions

First save or download the form to your PC before entering your personal information. NEW! Secure FormCloud Version